Thank you for supporting SÍ!
As a nonprofit, we seek to provide all services free of charge to clients by working with a network of dedicated volunteers and relying on donations and grants to carry out this important work. Grants and donations cover the cost of services when qualified volunteers cannot be found.
We cannot designate your donation to a specific item when you donate because we respond to situations as they arise and cannot predict the timing of each need. However, the following list highlights some of the ways your donation can alleviate the overwhelming expenses individuals face during the immigration process:*

cost for half an hour of interpretation services
cost to translate a necessary document, such as a birth certificate or diploma
example cost for private lawyer to file case documents
cost for one hour of therapy for a trauma survivor
approximate cost of a brief legal consultation
cost of applying for DACA renewal
approximate cost of a mental health assessment for an immigration case
Many clients in immigration legal proceedings are not eligible to work. Among those who are, most are limited to minimum wage jobs. That means, for example, an individual would have to work 16 hours to pay for 1 hour of therapy, or 134 hours to pay for a single mental health assessment. Your support can help people cover some of these otherwise insurmountable costs. We understand donors often prefer their funds go directly to clients, and we prioritize the needs of our clients. Examples of these needs include an emergency safety net for basics like food and clothing, transportation, and support during legal hearings. For some people, this assistance can make the difference between their families being separated or reunified.
We also depend on donations to maintain and increase our capacity for client services such as everyday tasks like printing and mailing forms, accessing HIPAA-compliant technology platforms, and maintaining a database of resources available to both clients and community organizations.